
Individual Coaching

Opportunities for massive transformation often arrive in the most chaotic times. These are precisely the times it is important to lean in, start small, think big, and scale quickly. Starting with the question, “Why?” versus “How?” helps lay the foundation for long term success.

Krista is committed to empowering individuals who find themselves grappling with what’s next to bridge the gap between now and a better future.

Working with Krista will take a unique form for every individual, yet the four cornerstones of her approach include:

Bearing witness

Being present, Listening.

Holding up a mirror

Asking important and honest questions.


Encouraging, Supporting.


Taking action, Building momentum, Shifting the trajectory.

Caregiver Compass Consultations

It is easy to feel stress, guilt, and fear in the role of caregiver. Both the big picture as well as the day to day details can be overwhelming. While we have all become well acquainted with the self-care analogy of putting our oxygen mask on before helping those around us, the problem is that this is a five second act in an urgent situation. It’s not that easy in caregiving. Self-care is important, yet it never feels urgent. Instead it is one more task to schedule into an already saturated calendar. For that reason, self-care is not ‘the answer’! It is not an enduring solution that will offer relief to the caregiver.

Krista is deeply committed to moving beyond the surface solutions and assisting caregivers in their journey to ensure they are not lost in the process of such an important and transformational experience.

Business Partnerships and Consulting

Focusing on what is urgent, important, and ultimately transformational is imperative now more than ever. These times necessitate focus to accomplish both immediate and enduring momentum and success that considers the human aspects of team members as well as the mission of the organization.

Krista is committed to designing a plan that assists your organization to achieve its goals. To do so, Krista operates from a philosophy that an effective plan must:

Be an extension of the organization's vision and mission
Be an effective resource to the organization and your constituents
Be flexible to meet changing needs

Speaking Engagements

Are you looking for a speaker for an upcoming webinar, training, or event? Several available speaking topics are listed below. Or contact Krista to customize a topic that fulfills your vision in a way that inspires and activates your audience. 

Getting through Guilt and Fatigue

Providing a professional service and/or serving as a caregiver can be both rewarding and challenging. Even the most skilled professional can find themselves exhausted or in a rut. This interactive presentation explores what it means to master a healthy growth mindset in order to excel professionally and remain aligned in other areas of life. Learn tools to shift from guilt and fatigue to joy and energy.

What Did Your Say? The Language We Use Matters!
Something as simple as words strewn together into sentences actually shapes our lives. Are you intentional with your language? Come look at the power of the spoken – and unspoken – word and consider adopting a few techniques that will immediately shift the trajectory of your life. 
Spark Self-Care During Burnout

Let’s move beyond conversations of self-care that involve spa treatments and bon bons. Now more than ever, service professionals must ignite an authentic spark of self-care to survive the enduring responsibilities of serving others. This one-hour presentation speaks to how powerful and important you are and invites participants to commit to self-care in a refreshed way. 

Good to Great: Building the Bridge to Your Future
Leveraging business leader Jim Collin’s data on what it takes to move from good to great, this talk focuses on a new paradigm: From Good to Authentic. Explore what it takes to honor our innate genius as much as cultural norms and expectations in order to create a life worth living. 
Life Beyond Caregiving
Do you ever feel out of balance—either stuck or moving so fast that the wheels may fly off? Perhaps it is time to consider and recalibrate what a day in the life of YOU looks and feels like. Together, we will explore a life assessment and create customized plans that align with what is most meaningful. 
Human Being or Human Doing? A Recalibration

Even before the pandemic, serving was a rigorous responsibility. Yet, now more than ever it is vitally important to explore what it means to embrace that we are human beings not human doings. Join this engaging presentation to discover how to recalibrate yourself professionally and personally within the calling of serving others.  

Is Coaching Right for Me?

  • Does it feel like your current responsibilities are all-consuming, or halting progress in your life?
  • Are you attempting to juggle feelings of overwhelm, fear, and fatigue while also trying to practice self-care – only to result in what feels like defeat?
  • Do you need to help bridging where you are now to where you want to be?
  • Are you conflicted as to how to move forward?

If you respond with a resounding “Yes!” to any of these questions, coaching may be a gift during the season of life in which you find yourself.

Even if coaching is not what you need now, I would be happy to hear from you and share any resources or contacts I have that better align with what you are seeking.

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I Believe In Your Power!

Feel free to reach out if you have questions or would like to explore coaching.

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