Fr. John Blaser
I have been using haiku since the early 1980’s to capture and express my experiences. It has been a blessing for me.
A Mid-Life Crisis
It’s a time to engage Calm
Now what is your choice
Calmness is our goal
It is a worthy concern
All times and places
Krista is a life friend
Helping us to live our life
With Calmness and Love
It is time to seek Calm
Exchange worry with Calmness
And enjoy our life
What are we seeking
Every moment lived fully
Calm a book to read
Featured stories
Stories of Midlife Calm
Through sharing, we get to learn from one another and create a new way that supports us.

Brian Shircliff
I remember when our team’s winning score at the 2009 Boys District Golf Tournament was posted. We had a very inexperienced...